Harvest season is just around the corner, and as we all know, unplanned events are bound to occur. Whether it's unpredictable weather, unauthorized burns, logistical problems, pest or disease pressure, or factory issues. What should you and your team do when faced with these unplanned events? Digital Harvest has a new and customized solution that’s a decision support tool for when that happens.
Based on our experience collaborating with sugarcane mills worldwide, we've observed one common thing employed when dealing with unplanned events: Field teams have to pause the harvest of a field or fields until the conditions are improved, which means you will shift operations to harvest a nearby field to be harvested.
When it comes to choosing the next field for harvest, several factors come into play, such as maturity of the sugarcane, logistical considerations, pest or disease pressure, and weather and soil moisture. However, using only these factors can lead to less optimal yields, not only leaving potential yield in the field for the current season, it can also jeopardize the growth time for the next harvest.
What’s the next best, yield-optimized field for harvesting?
Digital Harvest has been delivering a data-driven solution that goes beyond traditional methods and that becomes an important decision support tool that mitigates the risk of yield loss when unplanned events happen.
You will now have access to a ranking system based on daily biomass or sucrose accumulation to prioritize fields during the harvest. The ranking prioritizes fields that are nearest to its peak maturity to maximize yield and prevent potential losses. With it you can see the difference of yield gain or loss to help you select the next best, yield-optimized field for harvesting.
When unplanned events happen in certain fields, combine this ranking system with your field expertise to identify the best next field for harvesting.
Interested in seeing a difference in your fields and making better yield-optimized decisions for the 2023-2024 harvest season?. Reach out and ask us to prove it!